welcome to my auntie's house

A Safe House for women and children affected by Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking

My Auntie’s House of PG County Maryland is a non-profit 501(c)(3) located in Prince George’s, Maryland. Our mission is to provide emergency shelter for women and children affected by Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Human Trafficking. We provide shelter, transportation, counseling, and co-labor with the survivors from codependency to become independent.


“At any given moment you have the power to say this is not how the story is going to end.”
― Christine Mason Miller

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence is a pattern of coercive behavior used by one person that results in gaining and maintaining power and control in a relationship. Domestic Violence comes in many forms, including actual or threatened physical, sexual, verbal, financial, psychological, or emotional abuse.

National Hotline

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.

National Hotline

Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault is when someone touches any part of another person’s body in a sexual way, even through clothes, without that person’s consent.

National Hotline

“You survived the abuse. You’re gonna survive the recovery.” — Mariska Hargitay


There are resources available to you. You are not alone. In an emergency, call 911.

National Child Abuse Hotline Helpline



National Teen Dating Abuse

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network



National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Battering Personality: Signs to Look For

If your spouse or significant other displays a combination of these behaviors, he/she may be a potential batterer. 

Domestic Violence Signs

Victims of abuse often show more than one warning sign. Signs of abuse may vary based on the type of abuse (sexual, physical, emotional, or verbal) and the age of the person being abused. 

Prince George's County Family Justice Center

Is an initiative of the Circuit Court that provides a comprehensive array of services for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and elder abuse through a coordinated, collaborative and HOPE-centered advocacy model.